
The Value of Planning Ahead

The time to purchase insurance – let alone research and have a conversation with your local independent agent – is not when you see storm clouds in the weather forecast. In fact, for the headline-making named storms of the summer, there are Company policies established for when coverage can be added: Click here for details.

Just like you wouldn’t wait until your house is on fire to call your insurance agent, you can’t wait for the wind to blow, the rain to fall, your car to crash or the ice to freeze on your roof before you have the proper coverage. That’s one of the top reasons to trust your insurance needs to a local independent agent: They know the area and the risks the weather generally pose and how to insure for them properly.

Here are some important things to consider when reviewing your exposures, according to the Insurance Information Institute:

Adequate coverage for structures and possessions

Make sure you understand what your policy covers and what it doesn’t and adjust as necessary. Pay particular attention to flood coverage and storm deductibles, as well as making sure your structures are insured to value – have you told your agent about that new addition, new wiring, or updated heating system? How about that new furniture set or electronics? Consider maintaining a full inventory regularly – it will save time in the event your belongings need replacing.



Don’t get caught in the rain like Marty – talk to your independent agent today!


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