Galfetti Named President of Community Mutual, Ryan Promoted to Treasurer

Schuyler Ryan
LATHAM, NY – The Board of Directors of Community Mutual Insurance Company voted unanimously last week to elect Jennifer P. Galfetti as President of the Company, and Schuyler M. Ryan as Treasurer. The promotions were announced at the Company’s annual meetings held on March 17, 2021.
Community Mutual Insurance Company is part of the Union Mutual of Vermont Companies, a property-casualty insurance group consisting of Union Mutual Fire Insurance and New England Guaranty Insurance Company Inc., both based in Montpelier, Vermont; and Community Mutual Insurance Company, based in Latham, New York.
“Jennifer and Schuyler are talented and insightful professionals,” Community Mutual Board member Mona DeMay said. “They each bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their positions and the Company will benefit from their business acumen.”
Galfetti and Ryan’s elections mark the first time that the Company has ever had a completely female slate of officers. They join Lisa L. Keysar, who serves as CEO of Community Mutual, and Sarah R. Jarvis, Esq., who serves as Corporate Secretary.
Jennifer joined the Companies in 2009 after more than 15 years of diverse accounting and finance work. In 2013 she was promoted to Union Mutual’s Treasurer and elected to Community Mutual’s Board of Directors, two positions she will maintain.
Schuyler joined the Companies as a Senior Accountant in 2014 and is currently the Company’s Assistant Vice President of Finance. She is also a member of the Community Mutual Board of Directors, both positions she will also maintain.
Union Mutual of Vermont Companies, founded in 1874, is a property-casualty insurance group consisting of Union Mutual Fire Insurance, New England Guaranty Insurance Company Inc., and Community Mutual Insurance Company. The three companies write a total of $186 million in direct premium annually through independent agents throughout New England and New York and are all rated A-(Excellent) by A.M. Best.